A racing car has some amazing parts and we want you to be able to see some of it. Therefor we have made this page with some pictures taken in Leif's garage.
The block of the 9.5 litres V8 engine, bored to 4.310.
The Lysholm Super charger. This is Swedish technology when as it's best!
The oil pan at left and in the upper right corner is valve covers and valvetrain parts among other engine parts.
What about this? A bucket filled with pistons and connecting rods. A pretty sight, isn't it!!? *smile*
The crankshaft, a wonderful piece of art. A pride for every living room table. *smile*
Notice the size of the crankshaft compared to the soda bottle on the left.
Leif playing with a 23 kilo "heavy" Titanium bellhousing.